Music for the Easter Season: Regina Caeli, by Gregor Aichinger

The Regina Caeli ("Queen of Heaven") is a prayer that is closely associated with Easter. We usually recite this prayer instead of the Angelus during the Easter Season, at which time it also serves as the the Marian Antiphon at the end of Compline (Night Prayer). The beautiful musical setting for the Regina Caeli below … Continue reading Music for the Easter Season: Regina Caeli, by Gregor Aichinger

What We Owe to Caesar

Deciding how to balance what we really owe to Caesar with what we owe to God is a perennial issue for a believing Christian.  In the age of Covid and related governmental tomfoolery that question has become, let us say, even more acute.  T

Aborigines, Atheists, and the Authenticity of the Gospels

    A few years ago I ran across an amazing story ("Ancient Sea Rise Tale Told Accurately For 10,000 Years") from Scientific American, detailing how aboriginal Australians have preserved, via oral tradition, accurate information about geographical features that have been underwater since the end of the last Ice Age, circa 10,000 years ago. The article is … Continue reading Aborigines, Atheists, and the Authenticity of the Gospels

Welcome to Mission Territory

So, yes, by all means, let's keep fighting the political fight, but given the societal trends (and the Gallup data above is just the latest evidence), we can expect the political arena to become increasingly difficult. Long term we need to work on bringing our country back to Christ.