“Gloria” from Salieri’s Mass in B Flat

 The truth is that, while Salieri was no Mozart, he was a good and well-respected composer in his time, and a much sought-after teacher (among his pupils were Mozart's own son Franz Xaver, as well as Franz Liszt, Franz Schubert, and Ludwig Von Beethoven). The lovely piece below is the "Gloria" from Salieri's Mass in B Flat, one of his four Masses.

A Martyr for Marriage (Bl. Margaret Pole)

At least for those who aren't heavily invested in the so-called "sexual revolution", it is clear that the societal endorsement of sexual license directly undermines the institution of marriage, and the breakdown of marriage in turn has a profound negative impact on children most immediately, but from there on everything and everyone else.

Sins Of The Fathers . . . And Of Kings

530 years is a long, long time to wait.  On Thursday, March 26th 2015, England’s King Richard III, the last English monarch to die in battle, and the one of the last English kings to die a Catholic, finally received a Christian burial.  Not a Catholic funeral, unfortunately, but his interment in the Anglican Cathedral of Leicester was a great improvement over the hasty, unmarked burying of his desecrated corpse after the Battle of Bosworth Field 530 years ago.

Persecution, Pentecost, and St. Julia of Corsica

Christ sent the Holy Spirit down on his Church at Pentecost, the Church against which, he had promised Peter, the "Gates of Hell" would not prevail (Matthew 16:17) . . . but he had also promised persecution (Matthew 5:11). The Persecution was not long in coming. The same Peter who boldly addresses the wondering crowds on Pentecost will soon be writing to the early Christians: In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:6-7)

Palestrina’s “Veni Creator Spiritus” and Maíno’s “The Pentecost” from San Pedro Mártir

     We are now in the last week of the Easter Season.  Christ has ascended to Heaven, and we are awaiting the coming the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  In anticipation of that ancient feast, often called the Birthday of the Church, our Music Monday selection is Palestrina's "Veni Creator Spiritus."      The Latin Hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus" itself dates … Continue reading Palestrina’s “Veni Creator Spiritus” and Maíno’s “The Pentecost” from San Pedro Mártir

A Prayer for Sufferers of Mental Illness on the Feast of St. Dymphna

    During the summer when school is not in session I used to work in the garden center of a local retail store, which was a pleasant break from the rigors and stresses of the academic year.       One afternoon I cashed out a very friendly older woman, but when I wished her a "good evening" she shook … Continue reading A Prayer for Sufferers of Mental Illness on the Feast of St. Dymphna

The Church’s First Decision and The First Successor to the Apostles: St. Mathias

     Not everyone, it would seem, is pleased with the current Roman Pontiff.  If that hadn't been clear to me already, it would certainly be apparent in many of the comments some of my recent posts (this one and this one, for instance) have received in various online venues.  Who would have thought it?      Happily, I'm not writing … Continue reading The Church’s First Decision and The First Successor to the Apostles: St. Mathias