The Drama of Sin and Repentance (or not) From Mozart’s Don Giovanni (Music Monday)

Hell is a real possibility for all of us.  It's not a happy thought, but it's an appropriate introduction to today's Music Monday selection, our last musical offering before Ash Wednesday.  It's not really sacred music, but it is very relevant indeed to the Lenten themes of sin, repentance (or not), and damnation.  This is the finale* of Mozart's opera Don Giovanni (a.k.a. Don Juan), one of the most powerful scenes in the history of musical drama.

Feast Your Ears and Rest Your Eyes: Sacred Music and Catholic Culture Podcasts

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in every one. (1 Corinthians: 4-6)      St. Paul, in the well-known passage above, reminds the Corinthians that the Lord … Continue reading Feast Your Ears and Rest Your Eyes: Sacred Music and Catholic Culture Podcasts

Our Eternal Destiny: Armed Robbery, or A Warm Place By The Fire?

From the film Little Caesar, 1931 "It's like comparing cats and dogs."  Ever heard that expression before? Ever used it?  I did, several years ago.  I was teaching a 9th grade theology class in a (more or less) Catholic school, and same sex marriage (a hot topic at the time) came up for discussion.  I wanted to emphasize that … Continue reading Our Eternal Destiny: Armed Robbery, or A Warm Place By The Fire?